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We've collected some reading materials and videos to help you understand our mission! Our focus is on making our cities better: changing street infrastructure to improve safety for those walking and biking; developing walkable, denser, mixed-use neighborhoods; and improving transit. These changes will make our cities more environmentally friendly, economically sustainable, and helps reduce society's dependence on cars (a major contributor of crash injuries, deaths, air pollution, and carbon emissions).

Safe Streets

Nearly 40,000 Americans are killed in acts of traffic violence every year, with millions more suffering life-altering injuries. This is due to a culture and street design that prioritizes driver convenience and vehicle throughput over saving lives. We must reorient our street design and change the culture of driver behavior to make walking and biking safe, easy, and accessible to all, including the young, elderly, and disabled.

Parking Reform

"Free" street parking and zoning laws that require developers to build mandatory off-street parking for new developments have huge ill effects on our society. It wastes large areas of productive urban land on car storage rather than businesses or homes. It drives up the cost of development, making rents and goods more expensive. It also entrenches car-dependency when we should be promoting walking, biking, and transit.

Zoning / Land Use Reform

Restrictive zoning laws that ban multifamily housing (aka single-family zoning), mandate lots of parking, impose large minimum lot sizes, and set excessive restrictions on height, setbacks, and density have the effect of making it more expensive to build housing and makes more affordable types of housing illegal to build. This is the root cause of the regional housing shortage, which leads to high rents, unaffordable housing, and people leaving our city and state.

Public Transit

The humble bus is the most cost-effective and powerful tool we have to reduce car dependency in Stamford. By improving frequency to every 10-15 minutes, focusing on high-traffic routes to maximize ridership, and rationalizing stop spacing, buses can become a real mobility tool for everyone rather than just an option of last resort for the poor. We must also focus on improving Metro-North: making it a true regional rail network instead of just a commuter rail to Manhattan, and improving land use around the stations to make them walkable, high-density, mixed-use neighborhoods rather than just parking garages.